Our Story

We are a historic church with prairie roots that were first driven into the ground of Lake County in 1869. Yet we are also a church of innovation that reflects the powerful way God is transforming historic institutions into communities of caring and creativity.

Our vibrant heritage is linked by faith with Christians around the world as one part of the largest network of Presbyterian Churches in the United States. We are look forward to including your story with our story as we share the news of God’s wondrous love for all.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to be a joyful people who inspire by sharing life in Christ. 
For than 150 years, we have inspired service, vocations, and spiritual growth among families and individuals of every age and every station of life.


Our congregation consistently and joyfully reflects on the way we live our Christian life; both together and as individuals in the community.  We live, laugh, and love in faith while constantly praying, “O God, make our life together inspire the world with the love of Christ.”

Our Mission

We joyfully embrace the transformative love of Christ, fostering connections that transcend barriers. We are a community of hope and discipleship that strives to celebrate and empower every person to flourish in the light of God's love.