DEACONS: The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office.
It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. Other duties include, leading the people in worship through prayers of intercession, reading the Scriptures, presenting the gifts of the people, and assisting with the Lord's Supper. Book of Order, G-6.0400
You do not have to be a deacon to serve on one of the Deacon ministries. To volunteer for any of the areas of ministry listed below, or contact the office.
The Board of Deacons meets the second Monday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 7:45 p.m. The Ministry Teams meet at 7:00 p.m.
Reaches out to individuals and families in our community. Activities range from organizing an event, to making donations of goods, to offering direct hands-on-services.
Extends a warm and friendly welcome to visitors and members alike by planning a variety of fellowship activities open to all ages. They also assist in the set-up and/or clean-up at various luncheons or special events.
Offers compassion to older members of our community through birthday cards, in-person and phone visits and monthly worships services at senior living facilities.
Ushers are responsible for maintaining a welcoming, clean and safe atmosphere in the Sanctuary & Chapel before, during and after each worship service. They extend their ministry by delivering the Sanctuary flowers to members of the congregation who are in the hospital, recovering at home or have suffered the loss of a loved one.
Meets monthly. Contact: Robert Shears through the church office 847-362-2174 or Rev. Amy Heinrich
As stewards of God’s earth, the Earth Care Team at First Pres implements initiatives that demonstrate our commitment to ecological best practices within our church, works to promote earth stewardship events, and focuses on faithful care of creation both in our worship and in our educational opportunities. New members are welcome!
The Session meets monthly, and consists of the pastors and active ruling elders. Elders are elected to Session for three-year terms, though the office of elder is ordained and perpetual. The Session exercises leadership, government and discipline of the congregation. It supervises the management of financial, legal and property affairs of the local church, as well as the Board of Deacons. Elders have responsibility for the life of a particular church as well as the church at large. At First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville, the Session has 16 members, and is organized into ten general management committees.
Debra Alexander, Jerry Brann, Kirk Ergang, Vanessa Griffin, Anna Groebe, Sally Kowal, Jon McGormley, Rich Monahan, Becky Nelson, Esther Pochron, Dave Potts, Carol Turnbull, Fred Ulanday, Elizabeth Wagner, Liz White, Gail Starr (Clerk of Session)
A standing committee is a committee which stands, or continues, over time, although its membership changes. Chairs of standing committees are chosen by the Pastor and generally serve for two years.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee serves the congregation by maintaining the Church and its properties. The Committee’s goal is to make the Church’s worship, education, and fellowship spaces welcoming, comfortable, and safe. The Committee advises the Manager of Building Operations, oversees building expenses, and prioritizes future capital expenditures.
The mission of the Business Affairs Committee is one of fiduciary responsibility, advising the Session on financial matters related to the congregation. While falling under the Administration Section of the Session’s responsibilities and principally focused on the everyday business of the congregation, the Committee remains keenly aware of God’s presence, in attempting to discern His will.
The Endowment Subcommittee of the Business Affairs Committee consists of two members of the Session and four members-at-large from the congregation. Its mission is to oversee the First Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund, which is designed to support, in perpetuity, the mission and ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville.
The Committee on Anti-Racism and Equity works to help the congregation become more aware of systemic racism, develops opportunities for members of our community to engage in anti-racism work through learning, prayer, and action, and works to deepen our congregation’s commitment to becoming an anti-racist institution. The committee is comprised of Pastoral Staff, Session members and members of the congregation. The goals of this committee are addressed through three work groups: GROW (creates educational opportunities), ACT (offers opportunities to build relationships with our brothers and sisters of color) and CALL (oversees administrative actions and communication with Session and the congregation).
The Christian Education Committee is called to plan for the provision of educational programming to the entire Church family. Staff leadership, Session liaisons, and members of the congregation work together to provide spiritual growth opportunities from infancy into adulthood. Areas of ministry include children, youth, parents, adults, and our Church’s library.
The Congregational Care and Evangelism Committee works to engender a spirit of hospitality, fellowship, support, and evangelism to all Church members. The Committee’s primary areas of ministry are: membership assimilation, care, fellowship, sponsorship of events and activities, and evangelism, where they seek to create enriching and challenging opportunities for faith-sharing, as well as education about evangelism for our members.
The Long Range Planning Committee is entrusted with the responsibility to guide and support First Presbyterian Church to live its vision: to be a joyful people who INSPIRE by sharing life in Christ. In this role, the Committee works with the Session to fulfill our mission statement. The Committee also reflects on challenges facing the congregation, prayerfully seeking wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to discern and propose solutions.
The Mission Committee helps to channel the congregation’s desire to share a portion of our many blessings and resources with others. The Committee works through the focus groups of Health and Hunger, Shelter, Proclamation, and Kairos (God’s time) to execute its mission plan.
The Personnel Committee is responsible for overseeing all employment matters related to employees of the Church, including the personnel budget, performance reviews, job descriptions, and staff development. The committee reviews Church personnel policies and recommends new policies and revisions as appropriate. It also provides support and counsel to staff as appropriate.
The Stewardship Committee coordinates a year-round program of stewardship education. This includes providing information about the ministries of our congregation and the resources needed to support those ministries.
The Worship Committee includes the Music, Liturgical Arts, and Sanctuary Guild Subcommittees, all of which work to make our worship spaces inspirational and contemplative. The Committee seeks to praise and glorify God through inspirational music, artwork, worship, and the sacraments.
Volunteer at the CARE Garden
Our "God's Gardeners" Community CARE Garden group is always looking for more helpers!
The CARE Garden - a joint effort between The Chapel and First Pres - is located on Winchester Road just east of Route 45, between The Chapel and the GLSA soccer fields.
To get on the email list, please reach out to Amy
You can also follow the garden on our FaceBook Page.
We are all one in mission; we are all one in call. A single great commission compels us from above to touch the lives of others by God's surprising grace; to plan and work together so every folk and nation may feel God's warm embrace. Our varied gifts are united by Christ, the Lord of all.
The Mission Committee is a committee of the Session of the Church. The purpose of this committee is to interpret the mission budget and to direct the activities of the congregation to use its varied talents and financial gifts to support our missionaries, other Presbyterian churches and charities. The Committee establishes appropriate guidelines for our donations to these entities and individuals. On an annual basis, the Committee interviews the recipients of Mission funds. We accomplish this support with the generous tithing gifts and our congregation's talents to help those in need.
First Presbyterian Food Pantry distributes food every 3rd Saturday of each month. Hours are 8:00 a.m. sharp until 9:15 a.m. or so, depending on the number of guests.
Please check in from your car as you pull into the Brainard Parking lot across from First Presbyterian Church on Douglas St. in Libertyville.
With the help of volunteers from our church and local school teams/clubs, the food is distributed to approximately 100 families (350-400 people).
If you are a group of 8 or more, please contact our volunteer coordinator Sue Ellen Skeens through the church office 847-362-2174 one month PRIOR to volunteering to get on the group schedule. Thank you for giving your time to our pantry families.
We reach out in love to demonstrate the love of Christ for our community and the world by addressing challenges of health, hunger, shelter, spiritual need, and new opportunities that arise.
PADS is no longer operating the rotating church shelter system Instead; guests are being housed in hotels This provides a much more stable environment & will hopefully help move them along to the ultimate goal of getting back on their feet.
PADS still needs your help! We invite you to donate from the list below.
Drop off on Wednesdays between 4-6 pm in the Sanctuary Narthex.
Please note: we can ONLY accept donations during these hours We respectfully ask that you do NOT drop donations at the church during any other time.
Thanks for considering this request we are so grateful for your support.
Bagels with cream cheese
Instant oatmeal
Granola bars are breakfast bars
Breakfast meal replacement drinks
Bag of chips
Instant Ramen noodles (cups or packs)
Fruit cup packs/canned fruit
Protein bars
Tuna packs
Chicken salad packs
Beef jerky
Microwave popcorn
Jell-O cups
Applesauce pouches
Non-perishable microwavable dinners
Caned bake beans
Mac & cheese (boxes, or cups)
Canned chili
Microwavable rice packs
Juice packs (apple juice/fruit juice)
Water bottles
Hot chocolate packs
Can opener
Plastic cutlery
Plastic plates
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.
We believe that doing mission in partnership broadens our awareness of how interconnectional God’s mission is at the local, national and global levels. The one table around which we gather is God’s table and the one mission to which we are called is God’s mission.