Children are always learning, absorbing, and sorting what they've taken in. Our Christian education programs are designed to offer them foundations of faith in ways that invite questions and make connections as they create and build their relationships with God and one another. To help bring their faith beyond the walls of the church, we offer a variety of ways for families to incorporate discussions on faith into their daily lives.

Wiggly Worship Space

A Note from Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley & the Christian Education Committee


We are so excited that the sanctuary has a Wiggly Worship Space set up at the front of the piano side of the sanctuary. We plan to experiment with engaging our littlest fellow worshippers in this space for the combined summer services in the sanctuary and into the school year on Sundays when there is no Sunday School. (The chapel already has a similar space in the back.)


Two tables are set up where kids can see clearly what is happening in worship, and where families can sit nearby to share in worship with their children. Children of all ages and stages can participate in the service in developmentally appropriate ways. The tables are set to keep them engaged and involved in what’s happening around them. Families are encouraged to sit nearby so kids can see them sing, pray, and learn, and then learn themselves how to engage and participate in our tradition’s worship experiences.


You may be asking, “but why?” We wholeheartedly believe this kid-friendly space is an accommodation just like our hearing aid loop, large-print Bibles, and accessible doors and restroom stalls – each a demonstration of our hospitality and a way to be sure to include all ages and abilities of our church family in the worship of the God who made us.


Another answer to the “why” is that we know kids (and adults) learn best through repetition and ritual. A professional in children’s worship, DeDe Bull Reilly, explains, “[Kids] also understand and remember things better when they have something to do with their hands. If their hands are busy, their minds are calm…and learning. Children find plenty to see, hear, touch, and sometimes taste, all that is involved in the worship of our Great God. They pick up the language of worship, the customs of gathering as Christians…to encourage one another.”


We know any change can be uncomfortable, and this change will likely be no different. I, along with the Christian Education committee, are glad to sit with you in your discomfort. We also invite you to bring your curiosity with you into this new way of sharing worship with the very same little ones whom Jesus lifted up as models of the greatest faith. After worship find out more about their experiences with questions like, “Was there any part of the service where you felt especially close to God today?” or “What was your favorite part of church?” and even “Was there anything that didn’t make sense to you today?” Be willing to share your answers to those questions, too!



Register your kids for First Pres programs by filling out this form:  2024-2025 Child Information Form


Download a form, complete all fields, save a copy to your computer, and then attach the form here.

Questions? Contact Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley



Our Sunday School classes for children PreK-8th grade are built around the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s curriculum called Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living. “This curriculum is based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now.”


Each week, all grades will be learning about the same biblical principles and stories in age-appropriate ways, allowing us to be in conversation about what we are learning together.


We’ll all begin in worship together and then, after the Word for the Children which follows the second scripture reading, all children who wish to participate in Sunday School may head to their classrooms on the second floor of the Christian Education wing (the northeast corner of the building) with their classroom shepherd.


Classes end when worship ends and we ask that students through 4th grade are picked up by an authorized person once worship has ended so our teachers might also enjoy fellowship time during Social Hour.


About once a quarter, first through third graders are invited to build friendships, playing and eating together from 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM.



About once a quarter, fourth through fifth graders are invited to deepen their friendships, with a meal and activities from 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM.



Children of all ages are an important part of the body of Christ, and we celebrate the joy, curiosity, energy, and imagination that they bring. Children participate as active members of our congregation and our worship as they sit among us, read Scripture and prayers, sing, play an array of instruments, and lead our services. Keep reading for some of the specific ways we welcome children in worship at First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville. We are so very glad you have joined us!



For children joining us in worship, we offer worship activity kits to help kids engage with the content of the service that day. Pick them up near the entrances to the Sanctuary or Chapel as you walk in! These are especially helpful during the summer months when Sunday School takes a hiatus, or on other Sundays when kids opt to stay in worship.



NURSERY (birth-2) & PRE-K (3-4)

We love your little ones joining us in worship! It’s beautiful to witness their joy in seeing friends and hearing voices lifted in song. We understand, however, sometimes they would rather be in a space dedicated to them, a space to relax and play so you can focus on your experience of worship. We offer free childcare services in our Nursery and Pre-K room and ushers are ready to help you find them.



Children are our fellow congregants. As a faith community, we make a commitment at baptism to help nurture and guide one another, and encourage one another to know and follow Christ and be faithful members of Christ’s church. Here are a few ways we encourage people to welcome children into worship and support them in their faith journey:

  • Take a moment during the Passing of the Peace, Social Hour, service or Christian Education events to greet families and get to know the names of the family members.
  • Sign up to help with Sunday School.
  • Help preschoolers and elementary-aged kids learn to navigate the worship service—they’re newer to this than you are! Help them read the bulletin, locate hymns, and read along with prayers and liturgy.
  • It’s not always easy to recognize some needs. Some people, children and adults alike, may hum, make unfamiliar vocalizations or noises, or demonstrate other behaviors that allow them to express themselves during the service. Everyone belongs in worship. Please welcome questions children have about differences of all kinds so they might learn how to delight in the diversity of God’s beautiful creation along with God.
  • Remember how it was when you were a child, and remember the adults who helped you grow your faith. Help create an environment in which our kids can learn, feel, and share Christ’s love as we all do!



Joyful Noise Choir (Kindergarten)

Isabelle Esquivel, director

Thursdays 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. 

Open to all kindergarteners, this choir is the beginning of our graded choir program. They sing for worship usually every 8 weeks from September through April, plus the Christmas Pageant.


Cherub Choir (1st-2nd grade)

Sue Ellen Skeens, director

Thursdays 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. in the Chapel. 

Cherub Choir is for 1st and 2nd graders. The choir sings for worship every 6 weeks or so from September through April, plus special services including the annual Christmas Pageant.


Faith Choir (3rd-6th grade)

Gloria Song, director

Thursdays 4:15-5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. 

This choir is open to 3rd through 5th graders. They sing for worship every 6 weeks or so from September through April, plus special services such as the Christmas Pageant. 

Jr./Sr. High Choir (7th-12th grade)

Kitty Snyder, director 

Sundays 11:10-12:00 p.m. in the Choir Room

Jr/Sr. High Choir is open to any junior or senior high school student. They lead in worship every 5-6 weeks and on other occasions throughout the year, including the Christmas Pageant.


Youth Bells (6th-12th grade)

Kirk Townander, director 

Sundays 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Room 04. 

All Jr. and Sr. Highs are welcome to join Youth Bells. They play for worship and special services throughout the year. It's a great way to mingle with other kids and make beautiful music.


Alpha Omega Chimers (grades 3-6)

Gloria Song, director 

Sundays 11:10-12:00 p.m. in Room 04 

This beginning training group for handbells is open to anyone in 3rd through 5th grade. It provides a chance to start learning the fun of handbell ringing.