The Chapel Music Team is a strong and committed core of experienced adult musicians who lead our contemporary chapel music service at First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville, IL. First Presbyterian Church is located in the heart of Lake County and is a vibrant church with a dynamic congregation that is dedicated to serving others and serving God.


As a member of the Program Staff at First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville, the Chapel Music Director is responsible for the overall planning and execution of the Chapel music. Within the personnel structure of First Presbyterian, the Chapel Music Director reports directly to the Department Head of Music. The Chapel Music Director position is a 20-hour per week, 12-month job with on-site responsibilities primarily on Sunday mornings and Thursday afternoons/evenings. Responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to: 


• Collaborating to recruit and schedule the Chapel Music Team singers and instrumentalists for each Chapel Service. 
• Planning and selecting approximately 7 worship songs and an offertory for each service, guided by the scripture and theme for each Sunday, in consultation with the preacher of the day, and drawing upon a wide variety of styles and traditions.
• Arranging the songs as needed and preparing sheet music for the Chapel Music Team.
• Leading the Chapel Music Team rehearsals each week. 
• Leading the team and congregational singing in worship. 
• Partnering with the Department Head of Music and other Music Department staff in the planning and leading (as appropriate) of music for special worship services. 
• Meeting the deadlines to submit necessary bulletin material to administrative staff. 

Worship team experience is required; worship leader experience is preferred. Proficiency on a piano or guitar is preferred. Attention to detail and organizational skills are required. Familiarity with music notation software and audio equipment is preferred. 


Please submit your resume and cover letter to firstpreslibstaffopenings@gmail.com