Experience the joy of singing and performing music that glorifies God. Our music programs are for all ages from preschool to adult.
New members are always welcome.
For more information or to register, contact Gloria or 847-362-2174
Department Head of Music & Organist: Gloria Song
Chancel Choir
Director: David H. Edelfelt
Thursdays 7:30-9:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. All interested adults are welcome to join at any time. Chancel Choir leads in worship approximately three Sundays a month, plus special services throughout the year. The choir presents two large choral works per year.
Motet Choir Chancel Choir women (selective)
Director: David H. Edelfelt
Thursdays 6:30-7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Motet Choir is auditioned from the Chancel Choir and sings for worship approximately once a month, plus selected other services.
Numerical or audition restrictions may apply. All groups lead in Sunday worship on a rotating basis.
Chapel Music Team
Director: Charles Murphy
Thursdays 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Adult and youth church members with a passion for worshiping God, a love for a wide variety of musical expressions and an ability to improvise as an instrumentalist or vocalist, may express their interest in participating in this ensemble by contacting the church office. The Chapel Music Team is made up of a community of musicians who rotate through, leading worship in the Chapel Service year-round, in addition to a few other special services.
Bel Canto Ringers
Directors: Judy Brame
Thursdays 9:00-10:15 a.m. in the Bell Room.
This choir of experienced adult bell ringers plays for worship throughout the year. They also play for occasions outside the church, usually around the Christmas season. Membership may be limited by numerical or audition restrictions.
First Pres Chamber Orchestra Youth & Adult
Director: Gloria Song
The First Pres Chamber Orchestra includes strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, keyboards, guitar, and more. Youth and Adults with all levels of experience are welcome. We participate in worship on a quarterly basis, sometimes more. Please contact Gloria Song, Department Head of Music and organist, with questions!
Cherub Choir Pre-K - 1st Grade
Directors: LeAnn Malecha & Isabelle Esquivel
Thursdays 4:30-5:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
The choir sings for worship every six weeks or so from September through April, plus special services including the annual Christmas Pageant.
Faith Choir 2nd - 6th Grade
Director: Gloria Song
Thursdays 4:20-5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
The choir sings for worship every six weeks or so from September through April, plus special services such as the Christmas Pageant.
Combined Choir - Christmas 2025
Trinity Choir Junior & Senior High
Director: Kitty Snyder
Sundays 11:15-12:15 p.m. in the Choir Room
They lead in worship every five - six weeks and on other occasions throughout the year, including the Christmas Pageant.
Alpha Omega Chimers 2nd - 6th Grade
Director: Gloria Song
Sundays 11:00-12:00 p.m. in the Bell Room.
This beginning training group for handbells is open to anyone in 3rd through 5th grade. It provides a chance to start learning the fun of handbell ringing.
Youth Bells Junior & Senior High
Director: Kirk Townander
Sundays 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Bell Room.
All Jr. and Sr. Highs are welcome to join Youth Bells. They play for worship and special services throughout the year. It's a great way to mingle with other kids and make beautiful music.